Help to launch new product all over Finland

Verso Food launched their new Beanit, the world’s first plant-based protein product made from Nordic Fava beans. The beans are produce in Finland, where the conditions are superb thanks to the intensive bright summer and clean nature.

As a part of their launch, Verso Food wants to do activities that get the people’s attention. At this point they wanted help from Retail24.

Verso Food wanted an activity where so many people as possible could have the opportunity to taste their products. We started to plan together with Verso Food and we ended up with budgeting to execute over 600 in-store demos throughout 2020, with a target to sample over 300 000 tastings to new consumers!

Since Verso Food don`t have their own sales representatives they want Retail 24 to sell demo days and create easy recipes to make in-store demoes. The demos are to be held all over Finland, and we are closely planning together with Verso to implement a Beanit Tour 2020 where we are going to Helsinki, Turku and Tampere to educate our brand ambassadors.

We will do everything we can to achieve this goal together with Verso Food!

Due to successful launch of the Beanit Chunks, we proceed to Beanit Mince launch. One of the most critical projects in 2020. Sales of Verso food has grown rapidly since Beanit came to the market, we are happy too boost our sales and positive customer experience with Retail24 professionals. In addition to “regular Kesko” activation, we have gained an opportunity to start activation with S-group which is the market leader and very strict with in-store activities. Good quality, excellent co-operation brings success ?
Furthermore we are developing the activation concept to improve experience of the consumers and retail chains. Never stop developing in mind! 

-Ville Viksten, sales manager Verso Food

Beanit like you mean it!
Verso Food was founded in 2010, already then with the mission of contributing to a better world by creating plant-based, new generation foods. Our first real breakthrough came in 2016 when we launched Härkis® in our home market Finland. This versatile fava bean crush quickly became a favourite with vegetarian and flexitarian consumers. Today, they are the leading plant-based brand in our home market.

They are a small, but all the more energetic group of people on a big mission: to produce and develop truly delicious plant-based foods from Finnish fava beans.

Tuula Jukka

Manager, Demo Services
+358 40 1648857 

Tuula Jukka

Andre referencer

Britax Römer søgte en partner, der kunne løfte deres brandidentitet til et helt nyt niveau i butikker over hele Norden.
Activation, Merchandising, POSM, Sales
Retail24 was chosen as the partner to be the project lead on a cross category setup on Finnkampen.
Activation, POSM
Together with Resorb we participated in the yearly motion run – DHL.

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