Nordic demo NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto

Our task was to plan, produce and execute demo events for NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto across the Nordics during one month.

Dolce Gusto launched new models of coffee machines. Our objective was to demonstrate these machines along with the assortment of coffee to the public within a stylish and welcoming context. Event areas were located in four central train stations, Århus (Denmark), Oslo (Norway), Helsinki (Finland) and Stockholm (Sweden), during four weekends in October.

The events were led by a local NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto project lead, and internationally acknowledged Nestlé Master Barista, Ola Persson who provided his expertise and served coffee drinks and Latte art in the bar. Retail24’s local demo teams manned the demo stations.

The assignment was not just the demonstrations of the machines, but we held the whole project from idea, concept and design of event areas, including POS materials.

Cups of coffee served


“We are more than happy with the execution of the event! The outstanding looking event stand really served the purpose of welcoming people passing by to mingle around for a while, trying our machines, getting a cup of coffee of choice at one of the demo stations, and experiencing the performance of our Master Barista by the bar! Working together with ONE agency throughout the project was key to ensure a consistent and top quality execution in all elements of the event and helped us to achieve a great success with over 20.000 cups served in 4 locations, during 8 days in October!”

– Sophie Orehag Holmer, Nordic Brand Manager, Nescafé Dolce Gusto

I have for the past 4 years worked with Retail24 on several occasions hereunder merchandising, POSM productions and promotion in the biggest banners in Denmark. I have  experienced a very professional approach and always with the ambition to set the bar higher for the next task. One of the things that makes Retail24 stand out from the competition is the personal passion/drive from the top management to “the person on the floor” You feel like YOUR brand is the main focus although you are aware that they have other customers – you are never number 2 to them. This are just some of the reasons why Nescafé Dolce Gusto is a happy customer at Retail24.”

– Martin Bang Mikkelsen, Nordic Key account Manager, Nescafé Dolce Gusto

NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® is an award winning single-serve coffee machine delivering up to 15 bars of professional pressure to make the perfect cup of coffee every time.Using our machine, you can prepare all of your favorite specialty coffees in less than a minute. Our machine combines the expertise and history of NESCAFÉ coffee with De’Longhi’s superior engineering and technical know-how. It’s an award-winning combination!

Our innovative smart capsule system is specifically designed to ensure that each cup you make is fresh, and contains only the best ingredients. Whether you’re making a creamy layered latte or bold black coffee, the air tight capsule delivers the best cup every time!

Asmira Ramic

Brand Activation Manager
+45 24 29 00 10

Asmira Ramic

Andre referencer

Britax Römer søgte en partner, der kunne løfte deres brandidentitet til et helt nyt niveau i butikker over hele Norden.
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Together with Resorb we participated in the yearly motion run – DHL.

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