Q&A with Angelika Fehrlund

Team Manager Demo/ Administration in Sweden

What’s your role at Retail24?
I have two roles: Demo Field Manager and Administrator. I have the daily dialog with our customer’s sales reps and our Retail24 promoters. I coordinate and quality check all demos & activation we do in Sweden.

When it comes to the administration part,  I do everything from sending agreements to preparing the monthly salaries.

What were you doing before Retail24?
I was working as a store manager at a smaller Coop. I started working at Coop when I was 19 and worked there for 7 years. Then I got the opportunity to work for Retail24.

What does a typical workday look like for you?
The alarm sets off at 6.30 and I’m at the office around 08.00. The first thing I do is checking all the emails. I get a lot of calls during the day, everything from our promoters to sales reps that want to change demo dates or other questions.

What attracted you to work at Retail24?
It was the variety of work assignments. I don’t work with the same things now that I did when I started at Retail24, but I like it. I’m developing!

If the story of Retail24 was made into a film, who would play you?
Kevin Heart. We do not look a like, I know. But he is funny and he takes a big place in a room full of others.

Do you have a motto for life?
Actually I have two mottoes:

  • When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life a thousand reasons to smile.
  • If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

If you could try another profession for a day, what would it be?
I love working with events and have done that a couple of times before Retail24. The funny thing is that we have started with events here at Retail24! One “event” that I really would love to do is a wedding. Like a wedding planer. That’s a moment in someone’s life were they are SOOO happy. Would love to be a part of all that joy!

Maybe we in Retail24 should try to explore that!?:-)

If you’re not working where can you usually be found?
At the gym or at a candy shop.. I think its called balance?

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